06 February, 2015

Study - Composition and values for "De Schilderkunst".

Values and composition Study for De Schilderkunst from Vermeer. 

From this one I like how all the lines direct the woman posing, the floor lines, the table, the chair. Is a combination of diagonals + horizontals all the way. On the value side, it is said that there is not light without dark, and in this painting kept surprising me on how the brightest spot is on the wall next to the girl is in comparison with the super dark values of the cloth hanging and with the rest of the values of the painting. The roof plays a vital part, will stop your eye from going up without returning and balances the simplicity used in the upper half of the pic with the lush of contrast used in the lower half.

I caught little details such as continuations on values and patterns through objects, for example the light details on the artist's sleeve + the light details on the chair behind, or the same value in the square of the table's leg, continued perfectly by the bottom of the girl's dress.

Fun to do, but for next ones I'll try to avoid the (fun) details and just pay more attention to values in general.

Study (WiP) - Composition and values for "De Schilderkunst".

Work in progress of another Composition and value study :). 
Want to finish the study today.

P.S: Notice the half eaten Coconut :d! Too delicious, I'm convinced I need to eat more Coconuts to work better.

Composition Thumbnails 7-18

While catching up with Her, 18/100.