25 April, 2014


Working with the awesome people of Pásalo, a social marketing agency based in Madrid, to develop their website. Here some quick layouts.


More to come, stay tuned! :)

24 April, 2014

Tuscan Stone Pizza box proposal.

Tuscan Pizza box proposal.

It all started with a very simple quick sketch, the client needed it to use only four colours and didn't want to see a cartoon fireplace, so I tried to convey the feeling of a pizza oven without using the obvious elements.

After some feedback, they decided they wanted to go for something more elegant and make more obvious that their product would be done in a real wooden oven, so I went for a more rustic / classic feeling and added some swirls to it :p. Experimented with two palettes.

For the last design, I agree that blue is not a common used colour when it comes to pizza, but I wanted to try something a bit different. I am quite happy with how it looks :).