Rithmomachy is a very antique mathematical board game based on numbers logic and how certain numbers are contained an specific amount of times in another number (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rithmomachy).
At the beginning I developed several proposals based almost only on the shape of the board pieces, adding the name or just the acronyms for the club name (C.V.R).
I reduced the ideas to the two below but as the one on the left looked more like a chocolate brand than a board game, I decided to go for further explore the blue one which actually resembled a board.
And this was the final design.
If you want to know more of this game and the club, please visit their blog:
Interesante tu comentario sobre el proceso que te llevó al logo. Para todos siempre es satisfactorio seguir al artista en su vorágine creativa hasta la obra final. Un solo detallito: la dirección del blog es http://rithmomachiaucv.blogspot.com/.
Un abrazo.
Hehe, sin contar con que el artista aprende mucho de su propio proceso cuando lo explica. Arreglada la dirección del club, gracias!.
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