29 November, 2011

Igor's Adventures

Another concept for Igor. As requested this one is heavily based on Terry Pratchett's Discoworld character. Soon, some more monstrous characters and, for "something completely different", some cubic robots I am working on. But right now I am starving, will go for a burger (counting house? ;] ) and some life drawing.

25 November, 2011

Igor's Adventures

First Sketch for a game prototype called Igor's Adventures, still in a concept stage. Done in 1h, more to come. 

14 November, 2011

Some Technical Drawing.

I have been following some tutorials about how create realistic vehicles through constructive drawing techniques. I have been practicing my freehand straight lines and ellipses in order to construct cubes and cylinders as basis to model a vehicle. Not an easy task when you are required not to use a ruler but I'm getting better at guessing angles and doing parallels. Here are some of the exercises, I will post more later on.   

08 November, 2011

Quick Gestures

I was away on a super trip to Caracas for a few days and I didn't have time to sketch so often. This are some of the posing sketches I did before the trip. 

And some sketches I did on my trip to Caracas.